HaHa Becomes a Father!

12:25 PM

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Yap. Banyak dari kalian pasti penggemar RUNNING MAN, pasti tahu HaHa kan?
Nah, lewat twitternya tanggal 9 Juli 2013 kemarin, HaHa mengumumkan bahwa istrinya, Byul telah melahirkan seorang bayi laki-laki.

Ini nih kutipan (udah di translate sih) dari twitternya HaHa:
"2013.7.9.am 8:15. God’s dream..Dream is…smiling at me right now~^^ I have become a father!!! Filial son Dream, who came out one week earlier than expected," wrote the new father. "My wife Go Eun…this small person gritted her teeth and moaned…You don’t know how much I cried because of her courage and her bravery…Go Eun…Thank You…I love you…"

Wah, bahagia banget ya HaHa, selamat deh. Besok anaknya ikutan Running Man juga *hadoh*
Yap, congrats!!!

pic cre: kpopstarz

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