Fact about SHINee's accident in Indonesia

5:01 PM
Fans Indonesia sempet dikenal anarki di internet nih, jadi ini ada salah satu fakta yang diceritakan oleh author supersapphirepearls13 dan ditranslate oleh koreanindo. Take out with full credits.

News ini didapat dari author blog lain (http://supersapphirepearls13.wordpress.com/) yang kebetulan hadir sewaktu KIFF kemarin.

We get this news from great authors in other blog (http://supersapphirepearls13.wordpress.com/), and they were there when KIFF was held.

This news is not about Suju, but because of last night ( 12 Oct 2010), all authors of this blog (http://supersapphirepearls13.wordpress.com/), we went to see SHINee in KIFF ( abbreviation of Korean-Indonesia Friendship Festival ). So, I just want to clarify about the rumour of SHINee’s incident. The other 5 authors and me, we are the living witnesses, we saw SHINee when they were about leaving the concert, so we all know how the story goes, so for your attention, I don’t speak nonsense, I also have evidences, so, I’ll tell this to you, to all the readers.

Mungkin berita ini gada hubungannya sama Suju, tapi karena semalem semua author blog ini nonton Shinee di KIFF, gada salahnya dong bagi2. Jadi saya mau meluruskan rumor yang beredar. Saya beserta kelima author yang lain adalah saksi hidup yang ngeliat shinee pas keluar dari stadium , jadi kita semua tau seluk beluknya, jadi perhatian, saya nggak cuma asal ngomong, saya juga punya bukti-buktinya, jadi saya menceritakan semuanya ke pembaca .

So, the concert was finished about 9.30 PM ( Indonesian Time ), after the concert, we all went out from the stadium. We jostled on our way out, suddenly all the Shawol who were already out from the building, they were screaming, automatically, most of Shawol who were on their way out kept pushing each other, because, usually, if the fans are already screaming, it means that SHINee will be out in a moment. When we’re all out, everyone was running to the right, I got caught between the people, so I went to the right, but when I got there, there was nothing. Finally, I went back to the front door together with my friends. This happened for so many times, and I kept getting caught in the middle of people, I ran forward and back, when actually there was nothing. Tired from running, finally I decided to stand in the front door, rumor said that SHINee would out from this door.

Jadi konsernya tuh selesai sekitar jam 9.30, setelah konser selesai kita langsung keluar dari stadium. Pas lagi jalan keluar desek-desekan, tiba-tiba di luar para Shawol yang ud berhasil keluar teriak-teriak semua, otomatis sebagian besar shawol yang lagi desek-desekan mau keluar langsung cepet2 keluar krena kalo biasa nya uda pada triak-triak artinya Shinee lewat ato keluar . Pas uda keluar semua langsung lari ke arah kanan, karena saya terbawa arus saya jadi ikut lari ke kanan, pas nyampe sana kaga ada apa-apa. Akhirnya saya balik lagi ke depan pintu masuk ngumpul sama temen-temen saya. Terus itu sempet terulang berkali-kali, jadi saya tuh kebawa arus, lari bolak-balik dan ternyata gada apa-apa. Dan karena saya capek lari-lari, akhirnya saya ikut ngumpul aja di depan pintu yang mnurut rumor bakal jadi pintu keluar Shinee.

I kept waiting for a while, but SHINee still hadn’t come out yet, but it looked like there were some people waving from inside of the building. And then, Shawol started to screaming SHINee..SHINee again, and after that they were screaming, ‘Give a way…Give a way…’ But still no result, and still that place was so crowded with people. Because of I was so tired of waiting, I adviced my friends that if we want to see SHINee, we better waited at their bus. And my friends agreed. So, we walked to the quieter road. On our way to their bus, from the small door, there were some Shawol, and they made a line, and some scary bodyguards were standing in front of the door, some of the staff were telling us to kept quiet, because SHINee would come out from that small door. So, my friends and I stood in front of the line. At that time, the situation was still fully controlled. And after a while, more staff were coming and telling us to give a way.

Saya sempet nunggu beberapa lama, tapi Shinee ga kluar2, cuma kayaknya ada yang lambai2 dari dalam. Terus semua shawol mulai teriak2 Shinee-Shinee lagi, abis itu shawol teriak2 ‘kasih jalan, kasih jalan’. Tapi gada hasil, tetep aja itu tempat penuh sesak ga ada jalan. Karena cape nunggu, saya ngusulin temen saya kalo mau liat shinee kita mendingan ke deket busnya aja. Terus temen saya setuju dan kita jalan ke ke arah yang sepi. Nah, waktu kita lagi jalan ke sana, dari pintu yang kecil ada beberapa shawol yang lagi bikin barisan gitu, terus ada beberapa body guard yang menjaga sambil mondar-mandir serem dan panitia yang nyuruh kita diem2 jangan berisik, karena bisa ketauan kalo Shinee bakal keluar dari situ . Saya sama temen2 saya pun baris di paling depan nungguin Shinee kluar. Waktu saya baris masih ga begitu rusuh. Nah, beberapa saat kemudian panitia makin sering bolak balik sambil nyuruh kita bikin jalan.

At 9.00, from inside, there were some Shawol, not screaming loudly, because not so many people who realized that SHINee would come out from that door, most of Shawol were still standing in other door and still screaming. And finally, the SHINee were out, I didn’t really see who the first member was, but my friends said it was Key, next I saw Jonghyun, and I succeeded to take a picture of him, this is the picture.

Sekitar jam 9.00 , dari arah dalem mulai terdengar teriakan shawol, yang ga begitu kenceng, karena cuma sedikit shawol yang nyadar kalo shinee bakal keluar dari pintu itu, hampir semua shawol masih nunggu di pintu yang satunya lagi sambil triak2. Dan akhirnya mereka pun keluar, saya ga tau siapa yang keluar paling pertama, kata temen saya yang pertama itu Key, tapi saya ga liat, yang saya liat malah Jonghyun dan saya berhasil moto dia, ini picnya:

*eventhough it’s not a close up picture, but the smiling Jonghyun is really handsome *

*walopun di foto Jonghyun nya kecil, tapi lagi senyum n dia ganteng banget ternyata*

So, you can imagine how small the way out, and the amount of Shawol in this crowd was less than 100 people, most of the Shawol was still standing in front of other door. When Jonghyun was out, all the Shawol in front and behind me were still controlled, suddenly people from behind me were pushing me forward, so I resisted, eventhough I was planning to take lots of SHINee pictures. Next, Minho was out, he was eating lollipop, he is so cute and handsome, I even stood trembling. Suddenly from the opposite direction, Shawol was started to lose control, the bodyguards were also can’t hold the fans anymore, and we’re all jostled. I moved backward because of the crowd, and the situation was such a mess. This is the picture when MinHo was out.

Nah, bisa bayangin kan kalo jalannya cuma segede gitu, shawol yang ada di sini tuh mungkin ga nyampe 100 org, yang lainnya masih ketipu nungguin di depan pintu yang 1 lagi. Pas Jonghyun keluar para Shawol yang ada di depan dan belakang saya masih ter kontrol, terus tiba2 dari belakang saya pada dorong2 semua, saya jadi terpaksa nahan, padahal niatnya mau moto yang banyak. Terus Minho keluar sambil makan lollipop, imut dan ganteng banget ,saya sampe gemeteran. Tiba2 dari arah yang berlawanan dari saya shawol mulai lepas kontrol, body guard nya juga uda ga kuat nahan, jadi kita semua terdesak. Saya langsung mundur karena takut. Terus keadaan makin kacau. Ini pic pas minho keluar:

* I was trying to take the right picture of MinHo, when suddenly this bodyguard appeared and stood beside MinHo. All I could do was to rant about the timing of this bodyguard. But Minho was standing right beside of this bodyguard, in front of him was Onew, and in front of Onew was Jonghyun.*

* btw, pas saya lagi moto, sbetulnya Minho nya tuh keliatan banget, tapi emang dasar tuh body guard mo numpang eksis, dia tiba2 berdiri di sebelah minho, saya cuma bisa merana pas body guard nya tiba2 muncul di situ, di dpnnya minho ada Onew, terus Jonhyun, tapi ketutupan body guard *

Next, Taemin was on his way out. And for Taemin, it’s not true that he fell down, he only bowed a little and almost knelt down, because he was right in front of me at that time, so I clearly saw that, he didn’t fall. And he didn’t get angry, but he struggled a bit because Shawol were starting to pull him. When Taemin was on his way out, the situation was out of control, there was a motorcycle beside me and it fell down on my leg, and when I tried to lift the motorcycle, Taemin was standing right in front of me. After that, I couldn’t see anything at all, because of the crowd. So, my conclusion is Taemin was upset because they have to catch a flight in two hours.

Selanjutnya Taemin yang lewat. Dan untuk Taemin, dia ga jatuh, cuma kayak nunduk dan ampir berlutut karena dia pas ada di depan saya *coba dia berlutut di depan gw* , jadi saya ngeliat jelas, dia tuh ga jatuh. Dan pada saat nunduk itu kayaknya karena dia agak marah, dia langsung berontak gitu karena ditarik-tarik shawol.Pada saat dia lewat tuh keadaan uda rusuh banget, motor di sebelah saya udah jatoh nimpa kaki saya, dan pada saat saya lagi sibuk ngangkat tu motor Taemin berdiri pas di depan saya. Terus saya ga bisa liat lagi karena udah tenggelam di lautan manusia, tapi dia cakep banget loh. Saya menyimpulkan kalo dia itu kesel karena mereka harus ngejar pesawat yang berangkat 2 jam lagi. Ini ada picnya:

This is the picture.

*Taemin is in the middle of this crowd*

*Taemin ada di tengah kerumunan ini*

And Onew, indeed it is true that he was pulled and his hair was teared out, I speak the truth, because I saw it with my own eyes, and it looked like he didn’t get angry because of his clothes were pulled and his hair was teared out, eventhough I didn’t provide the evidence, because in chaos like that, it’s impossible for me to take a picture of Onew, poor him. Even MinHo grabbed my friend’s marker, and she grabbed it back. *Don’t ask me how, I don’t know about it too, but Taemin touched my marker*

Dan Onew, emang bener dia tuh di jambak dan di tarik-tarik, saya ga bicara sembarangan, karena saya melihat sendiri, dan dia kayaknya agak marah karena di jambak dan bajunya ditarik-tarik , walaupun saya ga punya bukti fotonya, karena masa dalam keadaan rusuh kayak gitu saya masih foto-foto Onew di jambak , kan kasian. Dan temen saya tuh sempet tarik2kan spidol sama Minho ??? *jgn nanya kok bisa, saya juga gatau ,yang pasti spidol saya tuh di pegang ama Taemin*

*some story about marker grabbing…removed*

ok tambahan bukan cuma si author 3 aja yang spidolnya di pegang , spidol author 3 , spidol author 4nyoret tanganya onew * ga sengaja* terus kena badanya onew juga dan si author 4 ini ga nyadar kalo ada jonghyun tepat didepannya tanpa penjagaan bodyguard. dia baru sadar pas ada salah satu shawol teriak JONGHYUN OPPA!! *author4 menyesal sampe sekarang* si Jonghyun megang spidol author 4 ini. Kesan author 4 otot mereka kenceng” ya *ngaco*

And one more thing, when Jonghyun was on his way out, Shawol was still fully controlled, so the news about Jonghyun’s feet was hurt because of Shawol’s anarchy IS NOT TRUE. When he was on way out, we were all still controlled. The situation was turned to chaos when Minho was on his way out, AFTER Jonghyun was out. So this is the sequence of SHINee’s member: Key, Jonghyun, Onew, Minho, and Taemin.

Dan satu lagi, pas Jonghyun lewat itu, Shawol masih terkontrol, jadi berita kalo kaki Jonghyun cedera gara2 Shawol anarkis, itu gak bener, pas dia lewat kita masih tenang2 aja soalnya, Shawol mulai rusuh tuh pas Minho lewat, Jonghyun uda lewat . Urutan jalannya gini soalnya : Key, Jonghyun, Onew, Minho, dan terakhir Taemin.

So, please don’t put the blame on Shawol Indonesia, because this incident is the collective mistakes of all people there, including the staff and the bodyguards. I personally think they should put more bodyguards, the staff was not fully prepared too and no coordination at all. The bodyguards too, I’m sorry, it’s not that I want to bashing or blame them, they were too roughed and slowed. It was so crowded. And the Shawol in my opposite direction started to push forward and they fell down when Taemin was on way out, so it was totally a chaos. My friends and I, we were lucky that we were standing in the front line, we put ourselves as a barrier for people behind us, eventhough people behind us were also pushing us forward too. We were the barrier so the SHINee members can went out.

Nah, jadi mohon jangan nyalahin Shawol Indonesia, karena ini salah semua yang ada di sana, termasuk panitia dan body guard, karena menurut saya body guardnya itu kurang banget dan mereka kayaknya ga siap sama sekali dan gada koordinasi yang baik. Body guard nya juga, maaf, bukannya saya mau nge-bash ato nyalahin gimana , mereka itu terlalu kasar kerjanya dan lelet banget . Keadaanya emang sesek , terus shawol yang di seberang saya tuh dorong-dorongan dan mulai oleng dan akhirnya jatuh waktu Taemin lewat , jadi keadaan di sana tuh bener2 rusuh banget deh. Saya sama temen2 saya yang kebetulan berdiri di paling depan sampe jadi tameng buat nahan shawol yang dorong2 di belakang, karena kasian kan yang di depan saya* baca: shinee mo lewat*

Finally, I was out of that crowded place, because the situation was already out of the control, lots of flowerpots were broken. And according to trusted source, inside the bus, on their way to airport, Taemin only sat down, he looked so riter, Onew and Key were still walking around inside the bus. We don’t know what Jonghyun and Minho were doing. But they’re all okay. They understand with what was happening. Because we, Shawol Indonesia, are so excited and enthusiast because they were coming to our country. And it was evident of our enthusiasm for SHINee.

Akhirnya saya minggat dari sana karena keadaan makin di luar kontrol, pot bunga banyak yang jatoh dan pecah. Dan menurut sumber terpercaya, di bus menuju bandara Taemin cuma duduk doang keliatannya capek banget, Onew sama Key katanya masih mondar-mandir di dalam bus. Jonghyun ama Minho ga tau ngapain. Dan mereka gak kenapa-napa. Mereka maklum dengan apa yang terjadi, karena kita Shawol itu atunsias banget menyambut mereka. Jadi itu bisa jadi bukti cinta Shawol ke SHINee walaupun agak rusuh.

So, All shawol in the world, they’re okay, and please don’t blame Indonesian Shawol for what happened, we didn’t know that it’ll be like that. It’s beyond our control. They won’t be happy if we Shawol fight each other. Ok??

Attention!! This news is 100% correct, the author is speaking the truth, this is what happened at that night. Perhaps, I can’t give you more evidences, but please don’t trust the spreading rumour about the anarchy. Thank you very much.

Perhatian!! Berita ini 100% benar, author ga asal sembarangan ngomong, ini bener2 apa yang terjadi kemarin malam, mungkin bukti yg saya kasih liat itu ga banyak, tapi, itu asli. Jadi mohon jangan percaya sama gosip yang beredar .Gomawo

By: Author 3

Source: my own eyes dan camera

Read Indonesian version : http://supersapphirepearls13.wordpress.com/2010/10/13/shinee-incident-kiff/

Confirmation from KoreanUpdates : http://koreanupdates.com/2010/10/13/ku-statement-full-statement-regarding-shinee-unconfirmed-facts-for-kiff/

Credits to : http://supersapphirepearls13.wordpress.com/

Indonesian to English Translation By : altins@koreanindo.wordpress.com

Take out with full credits.

Translator Opinion: I don’t support anarchy actions to celebrity. But for people, please take a look too from this point of view. Mostly Shawol Indonesian are college students, junior high school or senior high school students. Considering the Shawol positions, which have no income, it’s ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE for this fans to go to Korea to see SHINee with their own eyes. Even mostly, Hallyu Stars are holding their concerts in our neighbour contry Singapore. But still once again, if they want to see SHINee live ( or other Hallyu Stars ), it will be VERY EXPENSIVE, the air plane cost, ticket cost, and accommodation cost. And suddenly, for this Friendship Festival, SHINee will come to our own country. Can you please imagine the excitement? The idols that can be seen only from youtube, suddenly will come to our country, and you can see with your own eyes. And I said this one fact, even in Indonesia, only a few stores are selling KPOP Cds, when the demand is high. Even, one Indonesian father admited that he could only buy SHINee’s CD in a music store in Singapore for his teenager children. So, please, would you all please be more understanding? Eventhough previously, Kim Bum and Lee Ji Hoon came to our country, but the concert ticket is very expensive. But in this festival, it’s free, Rp. 0, $ 0. So, please just forgive and be more understanding to these hot-blooded teenagers.

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