Wagakki Band released DIGEST Video for VOCALO ZANMAI Dai Ensou Kai

5:47 PM
Wagakki Band released DIGEST Video for VOCALO ZANMAI Dai Ensou Kai

In this digest video with duration of about 9 minutes, there are some performances of this rock traditional band, including “Rokuchounen to Ichiya Monogatari” (IA), “Iroha Uta” (Kagamine Rin), “Tsuki Kage Mai Ka” (Hatsune Miku), “Nou Shou Sakuretsu Girl” (Hatsune Miku, GUMI), “Shinkai Shoujo” (Hatsune Miku), “Yoshiwara Lament” (Kasane Teto), “Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku wo” (GUMI), “Setsuna Trip” (GUMI), “Tengaku” (Kagamine Rin), “Hanabi” (Kagamine Rin), dan tentu saja, “Senbonzakura” (Hatsune Miku).

Here the video:

See the tracklist and how to order:

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