Twitter Page Updates

Twitter Page Updates

7:57 PM Add Comment
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Yup! Twitter update. This is the twitter update of JYP and Wonder Girls (Yenny, Yubin and Mimi).
I think JYP had a presents from his fans or something. He wrote :
"Thank u 4 da wonderful presents. I'll wear this to sleep tonight!"
Hes also gave the link of his presents pic :

Yubin wrote :
"last night I watched "Notebook" with Yenny. Someday I wanna have true love like that~ What man will love me like that??"

Mimi wrote :
"We're in Montreal!! I love the weather!! cloudy, a little cold... I like this kind of weather with beautiful music:) How about U??"

and Yenny wrote :
well, jst one more!!
Shes also gave us some pic she that took.

They're still in Montreal. Good luck, girls!


7:06 PM Add Comment
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Masa muda, tampaknya, sangat dimanfaatkan kelima personil FT Island untuk menambah pengalaman. Salah satunya, dalam bidang style rambut. FT Island memang sering sekali bergonta-ganti gaya rambut. Misalnya saja dulu pada saat album Cheerful Sensibility, rambut Hongki masih berwarna hitam panjang, di album Colorful Sensibility, Hongki sudah potong pendek. Tak hanya sang vokalis saja yang berganti gaya rambut, tapi juga personil lainnya. Seperti Min Hwan, drummer FT Island, ia pernah mengecat rambutya yang hitam menjadi warna orange. Jong Hun dan Jae Jin pun juga.
Nah, belum lama ini, setelah promosi album Cross and Change, mereka terlihat menggunakan gaya rambut yang berbeda (bandingkan foto atas (sekarang) dengan foto di bawah ini (foto sebelum ganti gaya rambut)).
Berikut gaya rambut baru tiap personel :
Lee Hongki (vokalis) :
ft hongki1
Choi Jong Hun (gitaris/leader) :
ft jonghun1
Lee Jaejin (bassist) :
ft jaejin1
Song Seung Hyun (gitaris) :
ft seunghyun1
dan Choi Min Hwan (drummer) :
ft minhwan1

Belakangan, FT Island yang memainkan versi rock Pretty Girl-nya KARA digosipkan menjadi fanboy dari grup cewek yang berada satu manajemen dengan SS501 ini. Cuma, bener apa nggaknya, ya~ entahlah itu cuma isu. By the way, nggak cuma digosipin jadi fanboy-nya KARA aja, tapi drummer sekaligus personil paling uda dari FT Island juga dikabarkan menjadi fanboy-nya personil 2NE1, Sandara Park. Well, nggak ada salahnya kok artis jadi fan artis laeen.
DAESUNG [BIGBANG] Kecelakaan Hebat!

DAESUNG [BIGBANG] Kecelakaan Hebat!

8:46 PM Add Comment

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Lagi-lagi ada artis Korea yang kena musibah kecelakaan. Tapi kecelakaan kali ini parah, lebih parah dari kecelakaan yang dialami suaminya BCL.
Setelah Girl generation, sekarang Daesung, personil BIGBANG mengalami kecelakaan parah. Kok bisa? Gini critanya...
Menurut pihak YG ya, jadi Daesung itu pulang dari syuting Family Outing terus menuju ke Seoul. Nah, pas itu sedang hujan deras yang deras banget. Jalannya licin dan akhirnya mobilnya itu tergelincir dan nambrak pembatas jalan. TKPnya tepatnya di Pyongtaek provinsi Gyeonggi. Oh ya agak telat sih beritanya, ini kecelakaan terjadi tanggal 11 Agustus kemarin.
Nah, lanjut lagi ke kecelakaannya. Pas kecelakaan itu Daesung duduk di pinggir pokoknya belakang koordinatornya. Terus sebelahnya itu stylistnya nah yang setir managernya.
Habis kecelakaan itu, semua korban langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit terdekat. Dan setelah diperiksa, Daesung mengalami patah tulang hidung. Cedera hidungnya itu sama tempatnya sama cedera waktu dia kecil. Hem, lalu, ternyata dia juga cedera pada tulang belakang. Terus wajah dan lengan lebam-lebam begitu. Tapi kata dokter Daesung ga perlu operasi, cuma penyembuhan sekitar 4-6 minggu nanti sembuh alami.
Lengan Daesung dikabarkan patah, tapi ternyata setelah di check-up, tidak apa, cuma lebam aja.
Terus koordinator dan manajer Daesung juga dilarikan ke rumah sakit terdekat. Tapi mereka ga separah Daesung.
Yang paling parah itu stylistnya Daesung. Sampe luka berat dan pendarahan. Rumah Sakit yang deket situ, tempat penanganan pertama sampai ngerujuk buat pindah ke RS Seoul yang lebih besar. Wa...

Nah, gara-gara kecelakaan ini, jadwal Daesung semua berubah. Dia ga jadi ikut conferensi pers buat drama barunya, ga ikut syuting Family Outing dan ga bisa tampil dalam sebuah acara drama musikal bareng Seungri. Padahal dia sebelumnya udah latihan keras, kata pihak YG.

Sedangkan teman-teman personil BIGBANG lainnya menengok sehari setelahnya. Mereka semua mengaku sedih dan khawatir. Sebenarnya mereka niat jenguk itu malem habis kecelakaan, tapi masih nunggu diagnosis jadi jenguknya pagi deh.



8:15 PM Add Comment
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BBF yang sangat sukses, membuat banyak orang penasaran. Kenapa sih bisa sesukses itu? Pemainnya ? Tentu. Plotnya ? Ya. Apa lagi? Apakah tempat shootingnya? Ya. BBF memang banyak mengambil shooting di tempat yang mewah dan juga romantis. Itu sebabnya BBF suskses. Nah, kita intip yuk,… tempat shooting BBF…

Universitas ini memang dari sono-nya sudah “wah”. Pantes aja masuk 10 kampus terkeren di Korea. Di tempat ini (ceritanya) F4 beserta anak-anak ekspatriat bersekolah. Nah, setelah liat universitasnya, berniat buat masuk sini?

Terletak di kawasan Jamsil, di hotel ini diadain pesta kepulangannya Min Seo Hyun. Di sini nih, adegan pas Jandi saltum…

Di sini tempat Jandi ma Junpyo berbelanja sebelum mereka pergi ke Caledonia.

Tempat ini juga dikenal sebagai Menara Seoul. Wajib hukumnya buat para turis dating ke sini kalo ke Korea. Di sini nih, tempat si Junpyo first date ma Jandi. By the way, tower ini sering banget dibuat shooting film n drama.

Hotel ini terletak di dekat Namsan Tower. Di sini setting pas Jandi sama Ga Eul double date. Wuih…. Tempatnya romantic banget…

Restoran inilah yang diceritakan sebagai tempat bekerja part time Jandi. By the way, masakan yang disediakan di sini macem-macem plus enak-enak loo….

Kalo kalian pernah liat Super Junior Full House, pasti tahu tempat ini. Ya, SuJu pernah ke English Village yang terletak di propinsi Gyeonggi ini. Di sini, diambil adegan pas Jandi ngejatuhin es krim ke sepatu Junpyo.

Ini dia tempat yang digunakan jadi rumahnya JoonPyo. Aslinya, tempat ini adalah tempat klub golf mewah. Pantes aja…

Ini tempat buat ski-ing. Kalo tahu Lee An, MV-nya yang berjudul “Us” mengambil tempat di sini lo.

Ini dia tempat yang paling aku suka… (berharap punya rumah kaya gini) Rumah Ji Hoo. Terletak di Silla Millenium Park, Gyeongju. Usut punya usut hotel ini termasuk hotel mewah di Korea. Di setiap kamarnya aja ad ataman dan kolam air panas pribadi. Harga buat nginep semalem di sini pun “wow”, yaitu 400 ribu won. Yang mau nginep di sini, silakan…

Pulau ini terletak di Propinsi Jeju. Sumpah, pemandangannya indah banget…

Di sini nih, adegan menikahnya Junpyo sama Jaekyung diambil.

Ternyata, kantin SMA Shinhwa berada di tempat yang beda lo dari dari sekolahnya. Kantin SMA Shinhwa mengambil tempat di gedung Artinus di Heyry Art.

Tempat ini digunakan untuk mengambil adegan pas Ji Hoo dan Jandi berkuda bareng.

Tempat ini dijadikan museum keramiknya I Jung. Aslinya, ya emang museum keramik sih. Di sini sering banget diadain pameran keramik.

Terletak di Incheon, pulau ini mempunyai luas 25km2. Di sini, adegan piknik romantisnya Jandi sama Joonpyo diambil.

Kalo barusan dari Incheon Airport, bisa langsung ke sini loo… Pantai pasir putih ini pun menjadi salah satu andalan pariwisatanya Korea.

Tempat Junpyo melamar Jandi, sumpah di beach sini pemandangannya bagus banget…

Di tempet ini, Ji Hoo mainin piano buat Jandi. Tempat ini sering banget buat pameran, acara award maupun music.

Di sini diceritakan, akhirnya ortunya Jandi tinggal. Di sini sering diadakan lomba memancing lo…

Di pelabuhan ini nih, Ji Hoo sama harabeoji (kakek)nya suka mancing…



8:02 PM Add Comment
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Karena masalah ini belum pernah dibahas di artikel-artikel sebelumnya (dan aku juga pengen nyoba lappy baru hehehe….) jadi aku coba buat nulis tentang F4 n sahabatnya…

Lee Minho :
Lee Minho yang udah jadi superstar para cewek-cewek di sekolahnya sejak SMP ini punya 4 sahabat cewek dari kalangan artis. Mereka adalah Kang Min Kyung, Park Bo Young, Moon Chae Won sama Choi Eun Seo. Saking deketnya Lee Minho sama mereka, dia malah pernah digosipin sama keempat cewek tadi. Ya~ maklum… Lee Minho dikenal gampang bergaul sih…
Selain sama keempat cewek tadi, Lee Minho juga deket banget sama aktor Jung Il Woo and Kim Bum (wah manteb tiga-tiganya “ehem-ehem” sih >-<). Mereka pun deket sejak SMP, soalnya rumah mereka berada di komplek yang sama (Enak tuh yang punya rumah deket situ, ada di komplek rumah artis). Kim Hyun Joong :

Karena pemeran Ji Hoo di BBF ini udah jadi member boyband SS501 duluan, jumlah temen-temen artisnya nggak perlu diraguin lagi. Jaejoong plus Micky dari TVXQ sama TOP dari Big Bang adalah sahabat dia dari kalangan artis. Saking eratnya persahabatan mereka, mereka nggak pernah ngajak orang lain buat janjian, udah gitu mereka juga sering telepon-teleponan ampe pagi. Ya ampuun… Ternyata nggak cuma itu, dia juga dikenal sebagai artis yang setia pada pertemanan lo…

Kim Bum :
Kim Bum deket banget sama actor ganteng Jung Il Woo. Il Woo deket sama Kim Bum setelah mereka berdua maen Unstoppable High Kick bareng. Lucunya, mereka (Kim Bum, Il Woo sama Minho) bikin nama buat persahabatan mereka sendiri. Biar persahabatan mereka tambah akrab… Namanya “Three Musketeers”. Il Woo sama Kim Bum pun pernah ngerayain ultah bareng dengan main game seharian. Adoo…~

Kim Joon :
Karena dia tergabung di T-Max, alhasil sahabat-sahabatnya ya anak-anak T-Max itu. Kim Joon ngerasa deket banget sama mereka karena mereka udah di-training bareng, sering mangggung bareng, bikin album bareng (ya iyalah!) & pokoknya … mereka deket banget deh! Pas tampil buat single solo perdananya pun dia sampe kangen berat sama anak-anak T-Max,”Tampil sendirian ternyata lebih berat ya… Aku kangen sama temen-temen T-Max….” Awww… so sweet…



7:07 PM Add Comment
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Tentu kalian semua kenal lagu Gee milik SNSD atau Girls' Generation kan? Yap, lagu yang sempet jadi hit di Korea ini ternyata ngak cuma ngefek di Korea aja, tetapi juga sampe ke negeri tetangganya Korea, China. Kalo kalian muter video di atas, sangat jelas terlihat bahwa dance di salah satu folk song di negeri Tirai bambu itu adalah dance yang mirip dengan dance Gee milik SNSD.
Dari awal bahkan, walaupun di salah satu Folk song ini terlihat lebih lambat, tapi tetep aja terkesan mengadaptasi gerakan dari dance Gee ini. Well, mungkin ini bisa nunjukkin kalo Korea pun bisa terkenal di luar negeri di dunia.
Berita milik SNSD nggak hanya itu aja, tapi SNSD akan mengakhiri promosi album Genie mereka pada acara MBC Music Core. Dan yang lebih mengejutkan lagi, salah satu official SM Entertainment bilang, kalo SNSD akan mengadakan overseas activities. Wow! jadi inget sama BoA ke Amerika, DBSK dengan tour Asia yang seabreg and SHINee yang mau ke Jepang. Nah SNSD, kira-kira mau ngadain overseas activities ke mana ya???


6:33 PM Add Comment

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Lee Si Young, yang kita kenal sebagai sahabat Jan di di Boys Before Flowers, kini mencoba untuk menyanyi. Dia menyanyikan lagu berjudul "Awfully". Dia pun sudah manggung di Show! Music Core dan juga Music Bank pada Juni lalu. Ia yang pernah terlibat masalah (dia memalsukan umurnya menjadi 2 tahun lebih muda) pun mendapatkan banyak perhatian. Orang pun bertanya-tanya, apakah ia akan menjadi seorang penyanyi beside pekerjaannya yang sekarang menjadi aktris, atau ia hanya bosan akting, kemudian mencoba bernyanyi?Yang jelas, GnG Productions bilang kalo dia (Lee Si Young) belum akan pindah menjadi seorang penyanyi, walaupun ia sudah merilis digital single-nya yang berjudul "Awfully"itu.

Perwakilan dari GnG Production bilang, "I can’t say that she will be promoting the song through full-scale activities. Lee Si-young’s fans wanted to hear a full, official version of the song she sang this past June which lead to production and release of the single." And memang full versionnya udah keluar sekarang. 




5:47 PM Add Comment

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What a wonderful couple? Yang cowok cakep, wajah mellow, perilakunya juga baik (nggak neko-neko), yang cewek wajahnya cantik, pinter akting, wahh... pokoknya mereka berdua emang serasi! Walaupun rating mereka di drama The World They Live In rendah, tapi urusan cinta, tetep... jalan terus. Yahh... begitulah yang namanya cinta lokasi alias cinlok. Mereka pun bisa melakukan aktifitas bersama-sama seperti aktifitas yang satu ini, yaitu : promosi drama "The World They Live In" ke Jepang!

Tanggal 26 September nanti, mereka bakalan ada di Yokohama, Jepang buat promosi The World They Live In DVD juga promosi OST-nya. Dikit cerita nih, tentang dramanya,... Jadi, Hyun Bin sama Song Hye Kyo ceritanya saling benci. Ya... pokoknya ceritanya drama korea banget deh... Buad Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo..., selamat ya...!!!





4:13 PM Add Comment
Buat kamu pecinta Entertainment Korea... dan kamu tinggal atau sedang ada di JOGJA...
Akan ada Festival KOREA!

Waktu : Sabtu, 8 Agustus 2009 mulai pukul 12.30 till drop!

Tempat : SMA Negeri 1 Teladan Yogyakarta [Wirobrajan], Waroeng Steak ke Selatan dikit... ada di arah Timur

Akan ada berbagai acara, misalnya DANCE [oleh Azayaka J-Community] Super Junior - Haengbok! Pelatih asli orang KOREA!
Ada body painting kerjasama dengan orang KOREA!

Don't Miss It!


7:07 PM Add Comment
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Santer diberitakan di berbagai media, DBSK akhirnya akan mengadakan konferensi pers. Mereka mengadakan konferensi pers, karena berita yang beredar semakin tidak karuan. Ada yang mengatakan DBSK akan bubar dan sebagainya. Boyband yang beranggotakan Jaejoong, Yunho, Micky, Junsu dan Changmin akan mengadakan konferensi pers pada 3 Agustus.

Ya, masalah ini dimulai ketika 3 anggota DBSK yaitu Jaejoong, MIcky dan Junsu merasa bahwa mereka dipekerjakan tidak manusiawi oleh SM Entertainment. Awalnya, mendapatkan profit 3/10 bagian sedangkan pihak SM mendapatkan 7/10 bagian yang lain. Kenyataanya, mereka hanya mendapatkan profit sekitar 10% dari 30% itu. Pantas saja mereka protes.

Tidak hanya masalah profit, tapi mereka juga tidak boleh bekerjasama dengan produk selain produk yang diperbolehkan oleh SM. Mereka pun membawa masalah ini ke pengadilan.

Ya~ semoga saja masalah mereka cepat selesai, dan mereka bisa menikmati hasil jerih payah mereka selama ini dengan damai. DBSK, fighting!


6:46 PM Add Comment
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Pelan tapi pasti, sepertinya DBSK akan mencoba merambah dunia entertainment khususnya drama. Jaejoong sudah bermain di Heaven Postman, Yunho berakting di Heading to the Ground, nah sekarang, waktunya untuk magnae Max Changmin mencoba untuk megikuti jejak 2 hyung-nya.

Akan bermain di drama apakah dia? Drama milik Max Changmin ini akan berjudul Paradise Ranch. Drama ini adalah hasil kerjasama antara Sam-hwa Networks dan SM Entertainment, dan genrenya adalah romantic melodrama, sesuai dengan genre drama yang belakangan ini marak di Korea.

Di mana setting untuk drama ini? Jeju Island. Pulau yang menjadi pulau andalan Korea ini memang memiliki pemandangan yang indah. Karena disutradarai oleh para professional, banyak orang yang memprediksikan drama ini akan berhasil. Photobucket

Kira-kira, bagaimana ya akting Max Changmin di dramanya ini? Sebelumnya, para anggota DBSK pernah memamerkan kemampuan akting mereka di Banjun Drama, tepat setelah promo album Rising Sun. Di sana, ada banyak mini drama yang mereka mainkan. Diantaranya, Dangerous Love, Unforgetable Love, Tokyo Holiday dan masih banyak lagi.

Biar lebih tahu tentang akting Max Changmin, berikut salah satu mini drama yang ia mainkan di Banjun Drama.

Interview SoEulmate + Poster Terbaru dari Bonjuk

8:35 AM Add Comment

Poster terbaru KIM BUM-SO EUN dari iklan Bonjuk

Ada posting menarik, credits :

The interview was taken on 23rd June 2009 (i know it’s months ago but if you have not check it out, here it is)

Worthy of the name, Kainozoic era star,(the new generation star),has been upgraded to” blue chip” for the advertising industry. Both Kim Bum and Kim So Eun are highly popular. However, in fact, both of them prefer to be a great actor/actress rather than a “star” with popularity. You can see that Kim bum has worries, but he is not nervous, has star qualities. Although you may not know him, you still can’t stop his luster.
Kim So Eun has a pair of beautiful eyes. She is such a clever actress who knows what she wants, no matter what, she will try her best to get into that.
These two people have fresh and sunny temperament and today, they meet at print ads.

Q:What are you doing after ‘Boys Over flowers’?

Kim Bum: I am busy at filming the CFs, my next project is ‘Bi Sang’. I am working on role analysis and preparation at the moment.
Kim So Eun: I also decided my next project which is a mini drama, will start to film recently. At the same time, I am filming a movie as well; don’t have time to have a rest.

Q:How has your lives changed after becoming so popular?

Kim Bum: I personally feel that in ‘Boys over flowers’, we were not actually acting, it was still just a ‘vase’ (for you non-Asian, it means people who are only good looking but no acting skills) However, I like So Yi Jung which has given me so much popularity, but I am also afraid of whether I can bear the bad comments or not. I am worried if I am acting as another role, people still have the illusion that I am So Yi Jung. So I am particularly concerned about my next project. (Kathy, the translat0r: hey man! Thats what I want to say, I always thought you were Yijung, oh gosh, Hav you guys seen the new pics of Kim Bum in dream??!!the hair style………………..)
Kim So Eun: First of all, I would like to thank you for supporting me. Because my supporters suddenly become so many, I know I need to work harder. Therefore, I will try my best to show the best side of me!

Q:What is the most interesting thing during working?

Kim Bum: When people are happy and touching through my acting, I will feel satisfied. Then I realized that I can give people hope and happiness through my acting, this is the most meaningful thing. (Kathy, the translator: what??? I think they were asking the most interesting thing, why did you answer the most meaningful thing??? Do they have the same meaning in Korean? Well, I don’t know, you guys find out yourselves. Lol…)
Kim So Eun: I found the most interesting thing was a lot of people looking at us on the set. I felt very stressful in the full view of people, but also, I am very happy. As an actress, if we can enjoy this kind of attention, I think that is a good thing.

Q:How do you get into a new role?

Kim Bum: I will work hard to get into a role, thinking of the environment about the role, try to make an assumption, such as” try to become that person.”
Kim So Eun: I will analysis the script many times. I am the kind of person who is based on the script and try to get closer to the role. I will also do some research and think about the role’s behavior.

Q:In that case, choose a role which is difficult to play but meaningful.

Kim Bum: Young Dong Chul in ‘east of Eden’. The historical background is in 1960s, Tan Goang village. It is a very sad role, he saw his father’s death which I haven’t got experience in this generation. It is very difficult to play such a role, I felt very stressful but at the same time, it is a very great drama. People all have good comments about the role. As an actor, it is very cheerful.
Kim So Eun: ‘Empress Chun Chu’ is very special to me. I stopped performing when I was in senior2. I had a big break to work on my study in Senior3 in order to get into university. During that break, I was studying, but I wanted to perform. After that, I know I have the passion to be an actress. Therefore, when I got into university, I had the chance to play young Huang Bo Soo in ‘Empress Chun Chu’. I think I learn how to act from the drama and enrich my acting skills.

Q:As a famous new star, it seems you are still afraid of something?

Kim Bum: Actors often change their roles. I am afraid that people cannot accept my new roles. I think that is the difference between what people like the style of a project.
Kim So Eun: I feel that happiness seems more than tiredness. No matter who, if you are doing something you like, you definitely have to pay for it. I am not afraid of being tired. I have strong desire to do things that I want.(Kathy, the translator: ummm.. I suppose she means she is eager to do her favourite things?) Everyone want to have their ideal lives which wont happen the same as your wishes, but you still have to live. And now I can do what I want, I feel happy and I am really a lucky girl.

Q:Is there any role you want to challenge or any actor you admired?

Kim Bum:I like Al Pasino,he seems have the ability to express the feelings of human beings perfectly. As a role who is the belial contacted with an capable lawyer in the movie , I am impressed by how he expressed the dual personality. I personally like villain very much, so i am thinking maybe I can play a role who has dual personality.
Kim So Eun: Ha Ji Won is my example, not only because she is good looking, but also she is confirmed by public with her great acting. I’m eager to be an actress who has the ability to play a diversificate role. My goal is to become an established actress like Naomi Watts in ‘The Painted Veil ‘, that role requests both good acting and the accumulation of life experience.

Q:Do u have any other hobbies apart from acting?

Kim Bum: I like sports, I was a member of a football team at school, and I learned kendo. (Kathy, the translator: I remember that Soeun learned Kendo as well when she was filming Empress Chun Chu. lol…What can I say then??lol….)And I like reading very much, also I enjoy playing games and watching movies.
Kim So Eun:I like reading as well. I think i am those persons who are reading regularly and I like writing diaries.
Dramas limit my imagination, books can help me extend my thought, so i like it very much. Also I like running(lol), horse riding, skating and any other exciting sports. Moreover, I like taking photos, i want to have an office with cafe if i have chance. I hope that if i reach my goal, i will start to learn design which i am interested since I was young.

========================= THIS IS THE IMPORTANT ONE==============================

Q: You two are attending Joongang University in the same Theater and Movie major, and had a lot of interactions in dramas and CFs. What do you think of one another?

Kim Bum: I’ve known Soeun for about a year, and whenever I see her at school or on the set, she is always bright, greeting others with a smile, which can give other people energy. Because of this, she was able to portray her charisma in her roles.
Kim So Eun: He is a really hard working friend. I am also the type who hates losing, and Bummie is very strict on himself and seems to tries his best and not rest. This is an image of a very fine actor. (Kathy, the translator: I think Soeun said beautiful actor?? But well, I agree with Heroine.Mei, I suppose she means great actor. This question belongs to Heroine.Mei, I wont be bothered to translate again.)

===================IS IT A GOOD ANSWER?==========================================

Q:As an actor/actress, what is your future plan?

Kim Bum: As the acting way is very long, I think it is just a start now. Like marathon, it has total length of 42.194km.I have run less than five kilometers. You can hear the cheering in many places, but you have to continue to run on your own. To use some power to adapt other competitors or supporters, and finally the most important thing is I myself never shake my will. Therefore, I don’t think I will be super happy because of the popularity. I think it is just a start and I have many roles which I haven’t played before. All the things should be the same as I first did it!
Kim So Eun: No matter actor/actress or stars are all good, I can say that I would like to have the way which is known as an actress. If I can be called as an actress, the popularity may not last very long, but that doesn’t matter. However, be famous of my acting, I prefer the added value which is accompanied by acting. I think I will use my original passion and feelings to perform and do my best.

Thanks to Kathy at for the time to do the translation.

Kim Bum, Lee Min Ho, Goo Hye Sun nonton konser bareng

8:32 AM Add Comment

Rata TengahYiah, 3 orang berwajah serius sedang menonton BUDI BERMAIN BOLA ?? bukan, mereka, Kim Bum, Lee Min Ho, dan Goo Hye Sun sedang menonton konser hari pertama SS501 di Seoul.
Selain itu, konsernya juga tambah rame…
Yah, walaupun bertiga, Kim Hyun Joon tidak ikut karena sedang sibuk promosi singlenya, mereka terlihat akrab. Dan katanya mereka, para bintang BBF masih sering kontak-kontak dan saling kasih support satu sama lain…

pics source : kjpopbands